We awaited our 1st snowfall until February; then 2 days of blizzard trapped some of our caregivers in the group homes and others at their residences.
Thank God, all the youngsters here have been healthy after the 1st rounds of colds & flu which hit us in December & January! | Despite the piles of snow, Anca has been able to keep the workshop going with a project of trinkets to send to Italy to hopefully raise funds. She is directed remotely by board member Eithne who visits frequently. |
Another supporter from Italy, Ettore, who is also a board member, arranges a semi-load of clothing, food, toys, etc. every December. We are truly grateful for this boost to our resources. The goods we cannot use within a reasonable time are delivered to families in our area.

As spring is showing signs of mollifying the challenges of winter, we naturally begin to prepare to tidy up the grounds and plan the gardens. The snow drops and crocuses have already started to bloom, signalling that it's time to put in onion sets and, a bit later, to plant peas, lettuce, etc.