FIREWOOD: Once again we are taking inventory of the firewood left from the past winter & estimating our probable needs for next winter. We anticipate that the cost will exceed $10,000 (9000Euro). In the past we have been able to cover this expense with current funds, but this year we simply don't have enough available financial resources. This photo shows Ciprian preparing dead branches & roots to be used to supplement our purchased firewood.

EXTERIOR SECURITY: Romanian law has obligated all housing for special needs persons to install security cameras, motion detectors ®istration equipment. The total cost will be in excess of $2500 (2300 Euro). Our current security relies primarily on our 4-legged guardians, as pictured here, but that doesn't seem to satisfy the laws of the land.

DETERIORATING ROOFS: The old-style sheet metal roofs on our houses have a maximum life span of 20 years before the rusting results in damaging leaks. Casa Rachel is about to complete 24 years, and it's showing. Based on experience, replacing the original sections will cost us $9000 (8300 Euro).

All the able residents assist with gardening. At Casa Elisabeta, we have our largest plot, where you can see Petrica helping Doina plant late peas.
A basic activity throughout the year is the workshop which Anca oversees at Jacob Center. Below Costel prepares to paint a scene to be used in one of the creations with which our friends at Noi Per Loro in Italy will raise additional funds.
A basic activity throughout the year is the workshop which Anca oversees at Jacob Center. Below Costel prepares to paint a scene to be used in one of the creations with which our friends at Noi Per Loro in Italy will raise additional funds.
![]() To keep residents informed of our activities as well as their right and responsibilities, we conduct monthly meetings. They are surprisingly attentive and ask appropriate questions. | DONATIONS MAY BE SENT TO TANNER ROMANIA MISSION, P.O. BOX 61, GREENVILLE, OHIO 45331, USA........or......... VIA PAYPAL ACCOUNT [email protected] With love & blessings to our faithful supporters, past, present & future, in the spirit & in the flesh............................ [email protected] |